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🌎 Ingress

For this section we’ll touch on a slightly more advanced topic: introducing an ingress controller to our cluster. The ingress will let us further refine & improve the networking aspects of the app we’ve deployed.

🗃️ Namespaces

So far we’ve worked in a single Namespace called default, but Kubernetes allows you create additional Namespaces in order to logically group and separate your resources.

📝 NOTE: Namespaces do not provide a network boundary or isolation of workloads, and the underlying resources (Nodes) remain shared. There are ways to achieve these outcomes, but is well beyond the scope of this workshop.

Namespaces are simple idea but they can trip you up, you will have to add --namespace or -n to any kubectl commands you want to use against a particular namespace. The following alias can be helpful to set a namespace as the default for all kubectl commands, meaning you don’t need to add -n, think of it like a Kubernetes equivalent of the cd command.

# Note the space at the end
alias kubens='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace '

and to add to your .bashrc

# Note the space at the end
echo "alias kubens='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace '" >> ~/.bashrc

🔀 Reconfiguring The App With Ingress

Now we can modify the app we’ve deployed to route through the new ingress, but a few simple changes are required first. As the ingress controller will be routing all requests, the services in front of the deployments should be switched back to internal i.e. ClusterIP.

Apply these three changes with kubectl and now the app will be temporarily unavailable. Note, if you have changed namespace with kubens you should switch back to the default namespace before running the apply.

🚀 Deploying The Ingress Controller

An ingress controller provides a reliable and secure way to route HTTP and HTTPS traffic into your cluster and expose your applications from a single point of ingress; hence the name.

Ingress controller diagram showing routing of traffic to backend services

To greatly simplify this, we’ll be getting the yaml from the url within the bare-metal ingress controller page with the below command:

curl -o ingress-controller.yaml

And now we just need to modify the above yaml to use a specific nodePort instead of a randomly assigned one. In the ingress-controller.yaml find the NodePort service and in the appProtocol:http add nodePort with port 30036.

Here’s a snippet from ingress-controller.yaml with the new nodePort:

    - appProtocol: http
      name: http
      port: 80
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: http
      nodePort: 30036 # This is the newly added line
    - appProtocol: https
      name: https
      port: 443
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: https
  selector: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
  type: NodePort

Apply the ingress-controller.yaml as usual with:

kubectl apply -f ingress-controller.yaml

From the output of the apply, you may notice that our controller has been created in a new namespace: namespace/ingress-nginx created.

Check the status of both the pods and services with kubectl get svc,pods --namespace ingress-nginx, ensure the pods are running and the ingress-nginx-controller service has port 80:30036/TCP assigned to it in the output.

🔀 Configuring Ingress

The next thing is to configure the ingress by creating an Ingress resource. This can be a fairly complex resource to set-up, but it boils down to a set of HTTP path mappings (routes) and which backend service should serve them. Here is the completed manifest file ingress.yaml:

Click here for the Ingress YAML
kind: Ingress

  name: my-app
    name: my-app

  # Important we leave this blank, as we don't have DNS configured
  # Blank means these rules will match ALL HTTP requests hitting the controller IP
  # This is important and required since Kubernetes 1.22
  ingressClassName: nginx
    - http:
          # Routing for the frontend
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/"
                name: frontend
                  number: 80

          # Routing for the API
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/api"
                name: data-api
                  number: 80

Apply the same as before with kubectl, validate the status with:

kubectl get ingress

Now both applications should be running on: http://{VM_IP}:30036

Visit the above url in your browser, if you check the “About” screen and click the “More Details” link it should take you to the API, which should now be served from the same IP as the frontend.

🖼️ Cluster & Architecture Diagram

We’ve reached the final state of the application deployment. The resources deployed into the cluster and in Azure at this stage can be visualized as follows:

architecture diagram

This is a slightly simplified version from previously, and the Deployment objects are not shown.

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